DMV California

The California DMV registers vehicles, issues driver's licenses, and administers driving tests. Its mission is to promote road safety and provide convenient services to Californians. I helped design DMV applications and created an internal Design Library for other projects within this account.


2 months


Product Design & Design Library 


Design Director, Previous designer, Ux designers


When I joined this project, I was working at 10up. Prior to that, the agency had been responsible for completely redesigning the DMV California website. My main role in the project was to support the design of DMV applications. I contributed to UX, UI, and interaction design.

I was responsible for designing a couple of applications that already had some UX work done. Additionally, I was tasked with improving the UI's accessibility.

Who are we designing for?

The DMV California audience is composed of anyone who owns a motor vehicle in California. This variety includes different backgrounds, genders, cultures, and languages, requiring focus on accessibility and clarity.

The DMV California project was divided into two phases. The first phase involved a complete redesign of the DMV California website, which was carried out by the previous team. The second phase consisted of designing DMV applications, as well as refining the overall UX and UI. During this phase, I was responsible for UX, UI, and interaction design. Accessibility and clarity were key considerations, given the diverse backgrounds, genders, cultures, and languages of the California DMV audience.


UI, interaction and accesibility improvements to the DMV Applications 

The Design Library

As a designer, I am constantly seeking opportunities to improve not only my design skills, but also the processes that benefit the entire team. This is especially valuable for high-paced projects with tight deadlines and multiple designers.

The DMV California project involved a several DMV applications that needed to be designed within a tight deadline, which put a lot of pressure on the small team of two designers. To reduce the workload and improve efficiency, I proposed to create a Design Library that would ensure consistency across all DMV apps. 


UI, interaction and accesibility improvements to the DMV Applications 


The goal was to create a central hub for all design components that could be easily accessed and reused in future projects.The library would also provide more time to improve the user experience and reduce the learning curve for future designers on this account. 


Foundational style examples


The Design Library components for DMV California project use Autolayout, a powerful Figma feature that creates dynamic and responsive UI designs. This technique creates a library of reusable components that can be adjusted to fit each application's needs, saving time and improving the overall quality of designs.


Table cells component use in a Table organisms using outolayouts


Table cells component use in a Table organisms using outolayouts


Eyes and hair color selector

Final Thoughts

It is important to prioritize both the quality of the design and the quality of the design processes. Implementing a Design Library can promote better collaboration and communication between designers, ultimately leading to a more efficient and effective design process. The DMV Design Libraryproofed to be an invaluavle tool for all flollowing designer on the project